
Sunday, 19 February 2012

From Russia with love

It was yesterday when I became excited about next winter. At the exact moment when I saw my beloved Russian churches printed on the gorgeous garments at Issa. And it just got better seeing the whole collection coming together from backstage to the catwalk.

The collection was elegant, rich and glamourous and managed to turn the bold and literal prints and bright colours into exciting feminin clothes. Brocade dresses were matched with fur and wrap dresses were worn over leggings and  polo necks - all of the same print - creating an excellent example of what the French call "total look". The most extraordinary beadwork appeared on the thinnest nude sheers while Stephen Jones' entourage couldn't be more particular about the way the headwraps and furhats should be worn.

backstage issa aw 12 13

from backstage to the catwalk

issa london autumn winter 13

Not to worry, Kate's engagement dress wasn't forgotten - reworked in a longer and greener version. Although the kimonos and flapper drasses squeezed into the same 34 look collection as the little very red riding hood outfit might seem a bit too much, the atmosphere was jolly and I can't wait to wear the Russian print next season!

issa london kate dresses

great options for wanabee princesses